A word from the President

Welcome to the Colorado Water Garden Society (CWGS) web site.


As the first Club devoted to water gardens, we have a history of bringing people together who love their water features.
Our Club's strength has always been its people.


We are committed to our mission of encouraging a greater appreciation and interest in the use of water in the landscape.


We are also dedicated in sharing our mission with a large and diverse audience. We are always striving to keep our membership growing and engaged. We welcome both experienced water gardeners and those looking to gain experience.


Our goal is for our members to have fun and share in the camaraderie with other water gardening enthusiasts.

Our presentations teach our members about the many facets of water gardening, including pond care throughout the seasons, education about various plants, education about fish, and the opportunity to see other members’ water features.


Our members also assist in the installation and maintenance of the various water gardens located at the Denver Botanic Gardens and The Hudson Gardens & Event Center. Through our Annual Plant Swap and Annual Plant Sale, we offer the opportunity to buy/trade plants, fish, and ideas.


We hope to see you at our future meetings and events. Please, join us!


Dorothy Martinez,
President CWGS